Breaking through!

Doing the weeding of some computer files, I came across an old folder containing several eMindMaps.  They were created using a program of the same name that came as part of a cover disc for a computer magazine. Although I use mostly hand drawn maps I loved using the software which has now evolved into the famous MindManager brand.
Going through the old maps I came across one I had saved as Breaking through!  I think it is still useful for considering goals and objectives and so I post it here for readers to judge for themselves.  As you can see write-in spaces are provided to help the user focus on aspects of achieving an objective.
Breaking through! brings to mind the comment from Steven Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.  Using one of the social media platforms, he wrote:
"Every truly great breakthrough is a break-with an old way of thinking. What's your latest breakthrough?"
I suppose my rediscovered files map old ways of thinking or at least what I was thinking then. To break-with the pattern I think I'll draw in another branch. I'll probably call it break-withs.
What's your latest break-with?