Teaching: Touching the past and the future

They've gone, what a pity!
It has been great working these past two days with student teachers from Stranmillis and St Mary's University Colleges.  Memories of my own student days came flooding back, especially so today as I had some time by myself to wander around my old College of Education and see rooms used for new purposes. Technology is an obvious difference although alongside the electronic whiteboard in the lecture room was an overhead projector.  I was a big fan of the OHP and still think its a useful tool even though it isn't much used these days.
Much was familiar and it was surprising to recall faces and events from over 40 years ago.  I well remember those aims and objectives, the lesson plans and visual aids - collages of magazine cut-outs pasted onto sheets of coloured manilla card.
I reflected on the hopes, dreams and ambitions of the class of '73. Many of us, intent on changing the world, have now retired after lifetimes dedicated to the service of education.
We've run the curriculum course.
The baton has been passed on many times and is now with this generation of student teachers - and those in the group I facilitated joined wholeheartedly in the tasks set and contributed fully to discussions.  They are an impressive cohort and it was lovely to be able to share in their enthusiasm. 
Someone once wrote that "teachers touch the future" - seems they can touch the past as well.

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